Gaming4Change is a yearly charity stream event designed by #HiddenGeekGamers and works in partnership with CREA Norfolk as a way to raise funds to support the incredible work that Crea Norfolk achieves which creates opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable to the youth of Norfolk due to personal circumstance.
How it works:
The event takes place on the last weekend of October every year.
use the contact form below or message us on our social media to register your interest.
People sign up to an online fundraiser (Just giving, Virgin Money Giving or via Streamlabs).
For every £20 donated to your charity stream you have to stream for an additional 2 hours with a max stream time of 24hours.
Everyone who signs up does their own:
Individual Streams.
Individual fundraising.
Everyone that participates must:
All stream on the same date.
Stream via
Host other participants on their twitch to ensure that when your stream ends other people who are still streaming receive additional support from your audience.
Participants can game together but must still stream individually.
Prizes for the top two fundraisers will be presented when all money is counted.
Get Involved
If you are interested in registering to CREA: Gaming4Change than click the link below and join the discord!